About Us

i-Soil might be a fresh startup, but we’ve got wealth of experience within our ranks and we’re on a mission:

To make the complexity of managing soil, understandable and accessible to everyone.



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Who we are

It is our belief that the decisions on how to better manage soil for more productive and sustainable crops and plants should be the reserve of the grower and not the domain of expensive, third party, so called experts.

We want to help you develop the know-how by measuring, testing and observing the impact of your intervention as well as determining how to optimise your return on investments.
(Plus, we think that we can help you save money on expensive inputs, help you to interpret and use soil test information, track the performance of your crop or plants, stay more organised, securely back up your information, plan trials and loads of other useful things that will help you develop a more intimate relationship with your growing environment)
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Simon Parfey Twitter | Twitter
Simon Parfey
Twitter | Linkedin | Facebook





We’ve been developing i-soil for the last 18 months and are very proud of building up a user base across Europe, that covers agriculture, horticulture, sports turf and amenity and arboriculture.

i-Soil was conceived by Simon Parfey, Soil Hub International, on the assertion that it should be easier for those responsible for crops and plants to analyse their own practices and undertake trials for themselves:  to work out the most efficient, least damaging and cost effective ways to grow. The resultant approach will incorporate rigorous management of the living aspect of soil, a commonly overlooked and vital piece of the jigsaw and the reason that Simon founded SoilBioLab.

With so many studies, methods and advice now available the process of applying meaningful changes is becoming even more complex, but no less important. Almost all alternatives are continent on the nuances of each particular circumstance and cannot be benchmarked, so the empirical approach is required.





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Our small, energetic team ensure that we maintain a flexible and up to date position in the market place. This means that clients receive maximum possible value and are provided with opportunities to get access new technology and scientific knowledge, faster than others can provide. It also ensures a hands-on, personal experience – all our customers are looked after by real people and not automated email or algorithms!


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i-Soil Team






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i-Soil plans for the future centre


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Our plans for the future centre around the following principles and goals:

  • Retaining and growing our client base through improving our services
  • Developing new features that innovate and add real value to the process of soil care
  • Incorporating new data sources as they come online
  • Increase the general understanding of soil and plant interactions expressed through ‘big data’ and dynamic visualisations
  • Develop a knowledge base or ‘one stop library’ for our clients to become more educated and inspired
  • A forum to share incites and understanding with a like minded community.

